One of many custom cut marble pieces - November 01, 2017
July 2017

Downing Drilling - July 2017

Foradrill - July 2017
Example of Polished Miller Marble Qualifying as Architectural Stone - Nov 6, 2015
Field Transporation of Sample Marble to Testing Facilities - Oct 22, 2015
Marble Blocks Being Extracted for Assessment as Architectural Products
Discovery of High Grade Miller Graphite Near V6
SEM Images Provided by Third Party of Thermally Upgraded Material
Part of Bulk Tonne Sampling and Stockpiling

Open face bulk sampling on small part of VN6 showing: Lump graphite vein (~1m, ~30%Cg), graphitic skarn (~1.5m, ~7% Cg) and graphitic marble (~2% Cg)
Miller Graphite Samples at End Users - April 24, 2015 (updated)

Miller sample after nuclear purification at end user

Miller sample after nuclear purification at end user

Part of 20 tonne Miller sample sent to end user
Site Visit - November 11, 2014

(L)Steve Palmer, Principal of AlphaNorth Asset Management (R) Bruce Duncan, Former CEO of Canada Carbon Inc.
VN4 Miller Graphite Mine - Grenville, Quebec November 11, 2014

(L) Bruce Duncan, Former CEO of Canada Carbon Inc. (R) Steve Palmer, Principal of AlphaNorth Asset Management
VN3 Miller Graphite Mine - Grenville, Quebec November 11, 2014
Site Visit - July 30th, 2014

Miller graphite stockpile

Lump graphite (Bulk sample)

Lump graphite vein hosted in a graphitic marble (Bulk sample)

VN3 showing

High-grade heart of VN3 showing

Large graphite crystals, VN3 showing

Trench at E1-6 (graphite skarn), with historic pit on strike
Miller Mine - December 10, 2013
Miller Mine - December 2013
Graphite vein boulder found during build out of road to new drill hole location.
East Block and Miller Mine

West Block

Miller Mine - September 2013
¼ ton representative lump/vein sample sent for testing, September 2013
Miller Mine - August 2013
Miller Mine - July 2013
Miller Mine - March 2013
Miller Mine - February 2013
Miller (Keystone) Mine: New Hundred Ton Graphite Mill erected 1907

Asbury Mine